In this chapter, Finny is enraged of not being able to what he used able to do and takes out that anger on people such as Finny. Now that Finny is back, I believe he wants everything his way because he believes just because he is cripple you need to do what he says. Gene is trying to take care of him and just make Finny feel the best he can. Finny is more dissatisfied than ever in the book and Gene is friendlier towards Finny.
Gene is now being more arrogant and is whining about everything. For example on page 104, “Oh Christ, it’s not made up. What is all this crap about no maids.” In this quote he is just thinking about himself and not about the people in the war. In this chapter he repeatedly says that there is no war going on as if he did not care about the war. He is also being more commanding to Gene because every day he tells him to get his crutches as if he was a slave and he made Gene miss a class. Finny is criticizing Gene too much; for example, he makes fun of the way he dresses and gets angry at Gene because he quits crew. I think Finny is trying to transform Gene in to him. He was also furious when Gene told him that he was going to enlist into the war. Finny is still the same old Finny, but he gotten a little worse. I truly believe that all the frustration in Finny’s head is getting to him and making him grumpier and hating is life more. I believe Finny is also scared because he knows that sooner or later Gene will go to war and might never see his friend again.
Gene knows that Finny is angry because of all the difficulties he has moving from place to place. He knows that Finny needs support to get through this depressing era for Finny. In this chapter Gene is like Finny’s slave because he does everything that Finny commands. I believe he is doing this because he knows he caused it and feels bad for him, and he knows he has to be there for him. There are many moments in this chapter when Gene comforts Finny when he is getting angry. In this chapter I believe Gene is caring for Finny like a maid and is trying to make the friendship between each other better. Gene is trying to be the best friend he can possibly be for Finny.
Have you ever had a friend that has changed for the worse? How did the friendship turn out? What do you think is the best way to solve a problem like this?
Great points made, Brian. Your post describes how Finny has become increasingly negative about his injury. I'd like to elaborate on your observation about Gene caring for Finny like a maid. Finny constantly makes comments about how the war doesn't exist and bitterly wines about the lack of maids. Finny makes a half-humored joke to Gene about how the war is only a luxury for old fat men to enjoy and how he is one of them because he has suffered (p.116). There is a deeper meaning in being a maid for another person. Before Finny's injury, Finny was occupied in caring for Gene's emotional well-being. Post-injury, Gene has become the maid to Finny. To answer your question, Brian, I don't think the friendship has turned out worse. Instead, it has become a a seesaw because Finny and Gene need each other to remain balanced. If one of them gets up and leaves (Gene going to war or Finny abandoning Gene), the other one sinks to the bottom.